Foul Descriptions and Videos

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Football officials must ensure one team does not gain an illegal advantage over the other team within the rules. The NFHS Rule Book provides definitions and amplifying information regarding fouls; this is the “science” of officiating. Officiating judgment is the “art” of officiating. This section will address individual foul types. Each lesson will provide a rules review for a specific foul and will address important considerations to help officials adjudicate the play or action.

The site is fairly new, so we haven’t yet published lessons for each foul. Please check back often for new content.


False Start and Snap Infraction


Illegal Formation

Illegal Shift and Illegal Motion

Offensive Holding

Blocking in the Back

Blocking Below the Waist

Illegal Blindside Block
According to Rules 2-3-10, 2-32-16i, and 9-4-3n, an illegal blindside block involves these criteria: 1. Forceful Contact: The Colorado interpretation of "forceful" is the opponent is knocked to the ground. 2. Outside the Free Blocking Zone: The block occurs outside the free blocking zone. 3. Without Open Hands: The blocker does not use open hands when making contact. 4. The opponent does not see the blocker approaching.


Chop Block


Horse-collar Tackle


Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Illegal Helmet Contact

Illegal Batting

Illegal Kicking and Illegal Kick

Pop Up Kicks

Roughing the Passer