We all need to work to be rules experts. We can’t just walk onto the field and officiate “by feel.” Rules precede judgment; how can we make a judgment call if we don’t know the rule that informs our judgment?
If we don’t know the definition of a lineman (2-32-9) or a back (2-32-3), how can we determine if a player is legally on the line, in the backfield, or in “no man’s land?”
If we don’t know the definition of a popup kick (2-24-10), or even know a popup kick is a foul for that matter, how can we judge a free kick to determine if it’s a foul?
If we don’t know the substitution rules (4-7), how do we adjudicate player movement on and off the field?
If we don’t know the definition of the expanded neutral zone (2-28-2), when a lineman is legally allowed to move past the ENZ (7-5-12), or when he can legally block downfield (7-5-7), how can we rule on ineligible players downfield or on offensive pass interference?
If we don’t know the myriad components of the horsecollar tackle rule (9-4-3k), how can we rule if a tackle is legal or a foul?
If we don’t know each hurdling definition component (2-22), how can we properly rule on that foul?
If we don’t know the four blindside block definition components (2-3-10, 9-4-3n) how can we properly recognize and flag that foul?
If we are not aware of the exact defenseless player definitions and examples (2-16), how can we determine if contact is legal or a personal foul?
Etc, etc, etc…
I enjoy playing Texas Hold’em poker, and over the years, I’ve studied the game enough to become (in my opinion) an above-average player. I’m always perplexed when someone who either doesn’t know Texas Hold’em at all or has limited familiarity with Texas Hold’em rules and strategies sits down at the table with decent players. That person is typically one of the first players to bust; they don’t understand card values, table position, bet sizing, pot-to-stack ratios, percentages to hit an “out,” etc. Their “judgment” has no rules (aka strategy) foundation. That’s fine, it’s their money to burn.
If we don’t know the rules on the football field, we’re burning the coaches’, players’, and parents’/fans’ “money.”
Without a solid rules foundation, we won’t be able to recognize a foul if it bites us in the backside. We’re often oblivious.
Read the quiz stem and then choose the best answer(s). (Choose all that apply.)
3/16 from the A-20. A12 takes the snap and pitches the ball backward from the A-18 to A33. After the pitch, B17 initiates contact on A12 with the front of his helmet. A33 is downed at the A-19. Enforce B17’s foul from the ______________.
- A-20 (previous spot)
- A-19 (end of A33’s run)
- A-18 (spot of A12’s pitch)
Review Rules 2-31-2, 2-32-11,10-4-2d