Quarter Change

Swapping ends of the field and moving the chains at the end of the first and third quarters is not just a head linesman’s responsibility. As with penalty enforcement, the entire crew is responsible for executing a successful quarter change.

When the clock expires at the end of the first and third quarters, first ensure no flags are on the field. Depending on the preceding event, you may need to extend the period for an untimed down (Rule 3-3-3).

All officials will record the down, distance to a first down, yard line, and clip location. The head linesman will wait until the referee and umpire confirm all details before moving.

If the clip is not correctly positioned, the head linesman will reposition it to the first available 5-yard stripe from the back stake. If the box is between the two stakes, he can place a carabiner at the box location. This will help the box person know exactly where to put the box after the chains move.

Before moving, the head linesman will confirm the number on the box. He should then verbally confirm the correct yard lines with the two stake holders and the box person. “James, you’ll be on the 23 on the opposite end. Megan, you’ll be on the 13. Jenny, your box will be on the 15.” The chain crew member holding the back stake will then cross in front of the member holding the front stake.

The head linesman will grasp the clip and accompany the chain crew down the field. The intermission between periods is only 1 minute, so the crew should hustle, not walk.

The chain crew should not snake through the players and coaches. If the huddle is near the sideline, they should run onto the field and around the huddle.

The back judge and line judge should hustle down the field and stand at the yard line where the ball will be placed. The referee and umpire should also hustle down the field. When arriving at the correct yard line, the umpire should hold the ball until the box arrives and is on the correct yard line. He can then place the ball on the ground.

When the chains arrive at the new location, the head linesman will place the clip on the correct yard line and have both stake holders stretch the chains. The box person can then place the box at the spot of the carabiner (if used).

The wings are responsible for getting the teams out of their huddles and onto the field when the 1 minute intermission expires. Don’t just stand at the new yard line. Approach the huddle and verbally encourage the teams to move to the ball. “Coaches and water out!”


Read the quiz stem and then choose the best answer.

4/10 from the K-40. K12’s kick is blocked at the line of scrimmage and rolls backward. R33 muffs the ball at the K-35. K13 falls on the ball at the K-33. Which team will next snap the ball?

  1. Team K
  2. Team R

Review Rules 5-1-3c, 5-1-4, and 6-2-4

Click below to reveal the Quiz answer and accompanying explanations.