Penalty Enforcement (Succeeding Spot)

Rule 2-41-10 says, “The succeeding spot is where the ball would next be snapped or free-kicked if a foul had not occurred. When a foul occurs during a down in which a touchdown is scored (Rules 8-2-2 through 8-2-5), the succeeding spot may, at the option of the offended team, be the subsequent kickoff.”

Rule 10-4-5 lists four fouls where the basic spot is the succeeding spot:

a. Unsportsmanlike foul – The foul can occur when the ball is live, or during a dead-ball period. USC fouls will always be enforced from the succeeding spot.

Play: While running into the end zone, A45 turns and taunts a chasing defender from the B-5. Ruling:  The touchdown stands. A45’s foul will be enforced on the try or on the subsequent kickoff (8-2-4)

b. A dead-ball foul – The play has ended, and a player fouls. The foul will be enforced from the succeeding spot following enforcement of all live-ball fouls. A dead-ball foul is not coupled with a live-ball foul or another dead-ball foul to create a double or multiple foul (10-2-5a)

Play: On fourth down, A12 steps out of bounds at the A-45 short of the line-to-gain. B36 is then flagged for a late hit. Ruling: When A12 stepped out of bounds, the play ended. Team B will be next to snap the ball. The dead-ball foul is enforced from the succeeding spot (the   A-45). Team B will next snap the ball from the B-40 following penalty enforcement.

c. A nonplayer foul – Rule 2-16-2f defines a nonplayer foul as a noncontact (other than unintentional contact as specified in 9-4-8) foul while the ball is dead or during the down which is not illegal participation or does not influence the play in progress. Enforce these fouls from the succeeding spot:

  • During a down, a replaced player or substitute enters the field but does not participate (3-7-6)
  • Unintentional contact with a game official in the restricted area (9-4-8)
  • All Rule 9-8 Noncontact Unsportsmanlike Conduct by Nonplayers fouls

Play: The line judge throws a flag when he must run around multiple Team B players who have entered the restricted area to cheer a teammate running unopposed down the sideline following an interception. This is the second flag for nonplayers in the restricted area when the ball is live. Ruling: The 5-yard penalty will be enforced from the succeeding spot (the spot of the try). Rule 8-2-3 does not apply to nonplayer fouls, so the foul cannot be enforced from the subsequent kickoff.

d. Following a change of possession, when the final result is a touchback. (See the quiz for an example.)


Read the quiz stem and then choose the best answer.

3/G from the B-7. B13 intercepts A12’s pass in the end zone. A88 tackles B13 by the face mask in the end zone. Enforce the penalty from the ______.

  1. B-7
  2. B-20
  3. Goal line

Review Rule 10-4-5

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