Getting Plays Right

Here is a Ray Lutz “Forward Progress” post from August 16, 2011 (Edited for clarity and rule changes)

Here is a partial list of some plays crews have screwed up or were confused about in past seasons.

When K kicks a ball out of bounds untouched by R, there are four penalty options. One we often forget is that R can accept a 5-yard penalty from the succeeding spot. That is why we must accurately toss our flag to the spot where the ball went out of bounds.

The yardage portion of the penalty for Roughing the Passer may be “tacked on” to the dead ball spot.

Roughing the passer, roughing the kicker, and roughing the holder all carry an automatic first down.

All dead ball and unsportsmanlike fouls are enforced and cannot combine with a live ball foul or another dead ball foul to make a double foul.

If ineligible #53 catches a forward pass three yards beyond the LOS, the foul is “illegal touching.” The five-yard penalty is measured from the previous spot, and there is a loss of down. If #53 catches a forward pass three yards behind the LOS, the foul is still “IT,” and the penalty is also measured from the previous spot.

A blocked “try” is dead, a blocked field goal is “live,” and either team can advance the ball if it is recovered behind the LOS. Turn your whistle around so there is no inadvertent whistle (IW) on a field goal attempt. You know the replay field goal for an IW will not be blocked.

Encroachment on a kick-off is a dead-ball foul. Get on the whistle. No returns!

Team K cannot advance a “muff” of a scrimmage or free kick.  They may recover and keep possession, but they may not advance. However, they may advance a “fumble” after the kick has ended.  Know the difference!

After Team K “first touches” a scrimmage kick, R may maintain ball possession at the spot of first touching, even if R fumbles during the return and K recovers.


Read the quiz stem and then choose the best answer(s). (Choose all that apply.)

2/4 from the B-34. A13 starts in motion from the B-38. During his motion, he curves toward Team B’s goal line. His movement does not simulate a snap (it is not a false start). When A13 is on the B-36, B77 encroaches.

  1. A13 is guilty of illegal motion and B77 is guilty of encroachment. The fouls offset
  2. 1/10 from the B-29 following penalty enforcement for B77’s encroachment

Review Rules 7-1-5 and 7-2-7

Click below to reveal the Quiz answer and accompanying explanations.